Eye Muscle Surgery

Eye muscle surgery, also known as strabismus surgery, is a type of surgical procedure that is performed to correct eye misalignment or strabismus. Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned, causing one eye to look in a different direction than the other.

During eye muscle surgery, the eye muscles are repositioned to improve eye alignment. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours to complete. The specific surgical technique used will depend on the type and severity of the strabismus.

There are several types of eye muscle surgery, including:

  1. Recession surgery: This procedure involves moving the affected eye muscle toward the back of the eye to weaken its pulling power.
  2. Resection surgery: This procedure involves shortening the affected eye muscle to increase its pulling power.
  3. Adjustable suture surgery: This procedure involves placing a temporary suture on the eye muscle that can be adjusted after surgery to fine-tune the alignment.
  4. Transposition surgery: This procedure involves moving a horizontal eye muscle to a vertical position, or vice versa, to correct a specific type of strabismus.

After eye muscle surgery, the patient may experience some discomfort and redness in the eye, and may need to wear an eye patch or eye shield for a few days to protect the eye. Vision may also be blurry for a few days after surgery. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure proper healing and alignment. In some cases, multiple surgeries may be needed to achieve the desired eye alignment.

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