Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma surgery is a type of eye surgery performed to treat glaucoma, which is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss or blindness. The goal of glaucoma surgery is to lower the pressure inside the eye and prevent further damage to the optic nerve.

There are several types of glaucoma surgery, including:

  1. Trabeculectomy: This is the most common type of glaucoma surgery. During this procedure, a small flap is created in the sclera (the white part of the eye) and a small hole is made in the trabecular meshwork (the drainage area of the eye). This allows excess fluid to drain out of the eye and lower the eye pressure.
  2. Tube shunt surgery: In this procedure, a small tube is implanted in the eye to help drain fluid and lower eye pressure.
  3. Laser trabeculoplasty: This is a minimally invasive procedure where a laser is used to increase the drainage of fluid in the eye.
  4. Canaloplasty: This is a newer type of glaucoma surgery where a tiny catheter is inserted into the eye to open up the eye’s natural drainage system.

The type of surgery recommended for each individual will depend on the severity of their glaucoma and other factors, such as age, overall health, and medical history. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of each procedure with a qualified eye surgeon to determine the best course of treatment.

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